Risultati della ricerca

  1. margaret sullivan

    Al semaforo scatenate l'inferno

    Many thanks to give Very useful information.
  2. margaret sullivan

    Scadenza assegno allegato proposta acquisto

    Thanks to all for this discussion. Its really helpful to understand the best method to use.
  3. margaret sullivan

    Crisi del mercato immobiliare o crisi delle agenzie immobiliari?

    Time has been changed completely today. If we talk about 1998 then its totally changed now. In old time during 98 the real estate agencies were much less then today.
  4. margaret sullivan

    Thanks. :)

    Thanks. :)
  5. margaret sullivan

    Consulente immobiliare: è una soluzione alla crisi?

    I think Real Estate Consultant can be the solution. But the cost may depends on different matters such as importance, area, time.